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Water Safety Wednesday

Stay On Guard!
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Beach days are finally upon us! Before we head to the water here is a crucial water safety tip that can help protect swimmers in the water! When around or near any bodies of water it is important to give one person the job of being ‘On Guard’ especially if you are visiting a water space without a lifeguard. By placing a responsible person on guard, you are ensuring that people in the water are safe and are watching for any danger.

A great way to make sure that swimmers are always being watched is by splitting up the watch time with the other adults on land. By splitting up shifts, you can ensure that all adults enjoy themselves and are not on duty the whole time. By taking ten-minute turns within the group all participants have a chance to relax while also taking some of the responsibility.

When you are ‘On Guard’ your attention should be on your swimmers in the water. It is very important that you are not on your phone during this time and your eyes are on the swimmers, especially if there are young children in the water. Drowning typically happens quickly and quietly, if you are paying attention to your screen and not your children you may risk something happening to them.

This tip can be used more than just at the lake and pool, the leading cause of drowning for young children are typically kiddie pools, wading pools, and areas where the water is at a shallow level. Many parents believe that due to a shallower level of water, the area is safer for their child, and they do not need to show the same level of precaution, this information is incorrect as children can drown in as little as two inches of water. Regardless of the location, it is imperative to take precautions and have a responsible adult be on guard around water!

Stay safe and we hope your Summer goes swimmingly!