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Our skin is the largest organ of our body & anything that we put on our skin goes into our bodies. As well as being careful of what we eat & drink, we also need to be aware of what we are putting on our bodies.
Fragrances, hair dyes, sunscreens, bug sprays especially those with Deet, detergents, fabric softeners, household cleaners & air fresheners are toxic to our bodies. Many of these are also carcinogenic. Next time you buy one of these products, visit your local health food store to get products as clean as you can.

Boils, blisters, bruises, eczema, psoriasis, acne, rashes, infected wounds, warts, stings or even just discoloration.

There are many products that we can use topically but that is by no means the whole solution. Because we need to correct impurities in the bloodstream and hence, the whole body , it would be wise to work with an herbalist, who knows what certain herbs will do.
Skin problems usually originate from the inside.i.e. Many of our customers have found that a gluten free diet & sometimes also dairy free will help their eczema, psoriasis or acne

Some of the herbs that help treat skin conditions are: comfrey, chickweed, calendula, slippery elm, flaxseed, cleavers, burdock, red clover, milk thistle, sassafras, sarsaparilla, blue flag, yellow dock, dandelion root, nettle, echinacea, aloe.
Essential fatty oils such as Flax seed oil, Udo’s Oil also help with skin conditions.

These herbs can be used to drink, as salves or creams or as poultices. EX: ALOE VERA…. We have all used this plant after a bad sunburn. It is anti-bacterial, anti-viral & anti-fungal. Slather this on after a bad sunburn & you will feel better the next day.

Food sensitivities cause skin rashes and are found in people with psoriasis and eczema. Electrodermal screening at a Naturopaths office will tell you what your body does not like…this is different from food allergies which can cause hives & a throat to close up.

Nutritional deficiencies, low stomach acid & stress have also been found to play a part in skin diseases.

If you suffer from any of these ailments, find a good herbalist in your area or a naturopath and follow their regime.

152 Holland St. E unit 1

Contact Nancy's Nifty Nook