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Three drowning hazards nobody tells you about

Stay safe around water this summer
PH-Water jul29
Town of BWG Photo

Water safety is an important lesson that many parents and guardians make sure to teach their children.

While it’s crucial that children are taught to wear a lifejacket, always swim with an adult, and not to swim during a storm, there are some swimming dangers that most wouldn’t think could lead to drowning.

Water Rescue

What do you think you should do if you see a drowning person?  Many people assume you should jump in after them and pull them to safety. This is seen all the time on TV and in movies, but it’s actually one of the worst things you can do in this situation.

Not only would it be extremely difficult to help rescue the drowning person from in the water, but you may also end up drowning or injured.

When you see someone drowning, remember these three words: Reach, Throw, Don’t Go!

This is a great way to help remind yourself and others that the best way to save a drowning victim is by staying on dry land if possible and giving the victim something to grab and hold onto.

Breath Holding

Another drowning hazard that many don’t consider is holding your breath!

Holding your breath is a very important part of swimming, but many kids like to play games where you hold your breath. Nobody should ever play a game where you have to hold your breath for longer than necessary. Even if you feel like you are in control of the situation, it is very common for people to go unconscious from prolonged breath-holding, which can lead to brain damage or even drowning.

Swimming Pool Hazards

A final water safety tip is to stay away from pool drains and pumps!

Poorly made, broken or faulty drains are a common cause of drowning but are still usually overlooked when covering pool safety. Pool drains and pumps can catch a swimmer’s hair or swimwear, this can cause the swimmer to be stuck against the drain, which of course can lead to drowning. While most modern pools are very safe and have ways to prevent this, broken and faulty drains or old pools can still present this danger, so it’s always best to just avoid them.

Keep these tips in mind when swimming and pass them on to the kids you swim with.

Stay safe and happy swimming!