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The Hidden Hazards of Late-Night Swims at a Lake

Water safety tips
Town of BWG Image

The beauty of Canadian lakes does not set when the sun does, but don't let the peaceful nature of our lakes at night fool you - they are even more dangerous once it gets darker out.

Remember these important hazards next time you are around a lake at night:

Disoriented - While swimming in a lake at night, the darkness can cause you to become completely turned around quickly. This can lead to you losing your sense of direction of where you are and where the shore is. 

Depth Perception - Just like when disoriented, while swimming at night it can become extremely difficult to accurately gauge the distance between you and the shore. This can force you to swim further than you are capable of. 

Visibility - The darkness of the night can make you unaware of dangers in, and out of the water which can lead to serious injuries when swimming and boating.

Alcohol - The dangers of being in, or around a lake while under the influence of any substance are only made even more dangerous at night thanks to all the added issues listed above.

Boating - If you are swimming or boating at night, the low visibility drastically increases the chances of boating collisions with swimmers and other boats.

Assistance - Finally, It is much harder for rescue workers to come to the aid of someone who is disoriented swimming at night due to the low visibility. This decreases your chance of rescue.

Our lakes are incredibly beautiful, and this is only elevated during the nighttime, but it is recommended to admire our pristine lakes from the shore once it gets dark. Make sure to remember these overlooked dangers during your next weekend getaway. 

Stay safe and happy swimming!