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BWGFES Fire Safety Tip of the Month

OCTOBER: Halloween Fire Safety
PH-Halloween oct20
Town of BWG Photo

Before kids hit the streets this Halloween, check over costumes, décor and trick-or-treating plans for fire safety!

Grown-ups: here’s what we ask you to do to protect your own and others’ kids:

  • Consider a battery-operated or other artificial flame in your jack-o'-lantern.
  • If you do choose a flame-lit pumpkin, use a small candle like a tea-light in a protective holder, and keep it well away from landings, stairs and doorsteps where costumes can brush against the flame.
  • Keep a light on on your porch if you are giving out candy, and ensure stairs and walkways can be clearly seen and have no trip hazards.
  • Indoors, protect your home and family by placing any candles or candlelit jack-o'-lanterns on sturdy tables, away from curtains and other flammable objects. Never leave them unattended. Always keep candles, matches and lighters out of the reach of children.
  • Check your candlelit jack-o'-lanterns regularly to ensure the flame remains low and isn’t burning the pumpkin or nearby materials.

Not all adults follow our advice to keep lit pumpkins in a safe location, so prepare your kids:

  • Warn your family to steer clear of any lit-up décor, whether it appears to have an open flame or not.
  • Avoid costumes with long hems, baggy pants, long flowy sleeves or other parts that drag and could come into contact with flame or create a trip hazard. Make sure that face coverings don’t limit vision, and check that kids can see where they put their feet.
  • Don't send children out alone, but always with an adult or in a group. Make sure that children know how to call 9-1-1 if they experience an emergency.
  • Teach children what to do should their clothing catch fire:
    • STOP immediately
    • DROP to the ground and cover face
    • ROLL over and over to extinguish the flames

For more information, please visit our website.