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BWG Launches Private Tree Protection Survey

Your voice matters!
Town of BWG Image

In a dedicated effort to foster environmental sustainability, the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury has launched a comprehensive survey inviting residents to contribute their perspectives on a Draft Private Tree Protection By-law.

The survey was approved by the Green Initiatives Committee at the October 2023 meeting. This initiative aims to strike a delicate balance between urban development and preserving the Town’s green canopy, reflecting the growing importance of environmental consciousness within the community of BWG.

The survey, accessible through the Town’s website, seeks to gather valuable insights from residents, ensuring their voices play a pivotal role in shaping the final by-law.

The survey is open until September 5, 2024, after which the collected data will undergo analysis by the Town. The insights gathered will play a pivotal role in refining the draft by-law before it moves forward in the decision-making process. For more information and to complete the survey, please visit