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Upcoming Proclamations and Flag Raising Ceremonies

Learn more about Indian Independence Day, Ukrainian Independence Day, and International Overdose Awareness Day
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Indian Independence Day | August 15

This year commemorates the 78th Independence Day of India. Indian Independence Day is celebrated annually on August 15, commemorating the nation's independence from the United Kingdom on August 15, 1947.

Join us for a flag raising ceremony on Thursday, August 15 at 5:30 pm (outside) at the Court House Courtyard at 57 Holland Street East.

Ukrainian Independence Day | August 24

On August 24th, 1991, Ukraine declared its independence as a nation. This occasion is recognized annually by Ukrainians in celebration of their historic past and to honour the fallen heroes who lost their lives fighting for the country’s independence.

Join us for a flag raising ceremony on Wednesday, August 24 at 11:00 am (outside) at the Court House Courtyard at 57 Holland Street East.

International Overdose Awareness Day | August 31

August 31, 2024, is International Overdose Awareness Day. The Town of BWG does affirm and acknowledge the harm and hardship caused by drug poisonings; and we recognize the purpose of International Overdose Awareness Day as remembering loved ones lost to overdose and ending the stigma of drug-related deaths.

Proclamations can be found at