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POEM: Canada is a place that welcomes all, says poet

'And still SHE welcomes every, all, and matters not their origin,' says local poet

BradfordToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following poem was submitted by Walter Prokopchuk.

She Welcomed ALL: With HER Golden Rule

My Mom’s parents came to here, at beginning of twentieth,
And Dad, 3 decades later did, from ’cross the sea, could come forthwith,
Arriving here with greeted arms, to our newly, welcoming land:
To CANADA, to build their dreams, with hard work’s scarred, sweated hands.

And before them, so many more, the generations, through HER door,
Filing with fear — into unknown — but with hope, arrived by scores:
First, Caucasians, of Europe’s folks, on sailing ships, intrepidly
To build — for ALL — Our nation strong, based on Christianity.

Eventually would come those more, who would come, to so be freed
From persecution, starvation, to try fill, most basic needs
Of life with their own cultures, too — chose religions, to persist,
And work to feed their families, not to just, simply exist;

As well to show their gratitude, for HER favoured culture here
That had been built o’er centuries, not perfect — yet not austere,
Accepted by our citizens, millions —in the yesteryears,
As we today respect, protect: our BLESSING, that is held so dear.

And soon SHE’D be the melting pot: of the spectrum’s colours bred,
The black, the brown, and yellow, too, and of course our white and red,
Tied to religions, varied such, within each own’s divinity,
The Jews and Buddhists — and of course — the Hindus, Muslims, respectively. 

And through Great Wars, WE fought for US, to keep HER culture, distinctly strong,
By OUR blood and sacrifice, so that WE, could ALL belong;
Where WE — the people — govern us, with fairness and civility
Rather than ruthless despots, or kings professed by history.

And still SHE welcomes every, all, and matters not their origin
Of lands from where they’d emigrate, so their best life, might well begin
Where all must learn — to heed OUR laws, for the stayed betterment of ALL;
To be pProud — grateful citizens— within Canada’s most hallowed walls.

Summarily, we ask ourselves, why do we self-proclaim to be
The best nation to occupy, allotted space, fixed globally,
And why all people everywhere, flock to our shores, to settle here:
Perhaps the proclamation bears, truth be, which — to me is clear.

Walter Prokopchuk