BradfordToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following poem was submitted by Bradford resident Walter Prokopchuk.
The Changes of Our Climate(s)
Our recent years revealed the rise, of Mother Nature’s increasing wrath,
Where beauty’s been mercilessly ruined, along Her unrelenting path,
And matters not - what part of Earth - where all species do reside:
On land, or in Her 7 seas, wreckage occurs both far and wide.
Now ask ourselves what’s caused this strife, which all nations now do face,
Could it be her reaction to, the path of man’s shameful disgrace,
Despite he had been sanctioned by, the power of who/what would decree
Him the steward o’er all creation, where he'd fail most miserably.
For Mother’s wrath has risen from, Her coping with consistent normalcy,
To now an increased frequency, and greater applied intensity
Where wildfires raze whole towns, and floods drown land, across states wide,
Along with more tornados and, the earthquakes where some folks reside.
Are we the sole species today, that kills our kind, and each for nil,
’Stead self-preservation, just, for food that all others will;
We’ve murdered individually, then raised the numbers by the scores,
Next escalate to millions more, as with today’s 2 current wars?
But what draws most attention now, is the return of noticed acts
By some men consorting with: the Devil with their evil pacts;
Post Holodomor and Holocaust, which were both, by man begun
To now when those men’s actions may, reduce his kind from many - to none.
Thus when we notice the parallels, back as in nineteen-thirty-nine,
When two leaders’ fantasies would, cause them to purposely align:
Who’d fooled their folks, then got control, of the courts, and media’s news,
As well the military’s might, for which millions paid their leaders’ dues.
And today’s rebirth of Holodomor, again plagues our Earth’s Ukraine,
While Israel’s war just may unleash, a new Holocaust, for no one’s gain,
As monkeys do - by monkeys see - attempt to expel our democracies
By their corrupted, selfish greed, try to install more autocracies.
Instead of being just reactive, we: the majority of mankind,
Need guard our species from the minority, who’ve been perceived as ill in mind;
As yesterday in ancient Rome, we must curtail their greed and lust:
Be proactive, remove them today, ’fore tomorrow, they’ll turn us to dust;
And when we choose them to govern, by our right to cast our vote,
We'll need enact a fail-safe, to have a remedial antidote:
As a probation worker, must prove his worth, by earned merit, to be instilled,
Or else remove them - vote again - for the best person to fill.
While every day I make mistakes, yet must recover from each blunder,
By tasting each experience, I suffered, corrected, the ensued thunder;
But likewise our American friends, will wake to regretfully learn
How their ballots would cause their loss: of Rights - o’er five long centuries earned!
So wake up - Please - America, and reclaim your destined place,
Of Policeman of our Earth, respected by, all of Her states,
’Stead be the schoolyard bully who, threatens all his weaker peers,
But bask in glorious gratitude, of the lauded nations’ cheers
To thus be Shepherd, ’stead the Wolf, shaking your House’s weakened bricks;
Recall the millions sacrificed, through history - from ’Seventy-Six
To Great Wars when their blood stained sands, in those lonely, distant lands,
In Yesteryears for Freedom fought, towards Tomorrow’s Future of Man.
Walter Prokopchuk