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HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development in the United States, is holding back billions in an attempt to re-imagine the department's mandate, according to the Trump administration.
Instead of creating homes for the homeless and future generations all in need of assistance. power politics are at hand, manipulating the very populations that President Donald Trump claims to represent, the Black and Hispanic electorate, those most in need of shelter and assistance.
In Ontario, we see similar actions taken by the Ford administration, who received not too long ago billions from the Liberal federal government to shore up the province's health-care response during the COVID-19 pandemic. That money was never returned, nor much of it used for the purpose it was sent.
Where is that revenue, that taxpayers money? Is it hidden in a unnamed account somewhere or already used for one of the provinces many adventures? As usual, the Ford actions are clouded in hidden agendas and total lack of transparency for the public. Premier Doug Ford's assurances the money will/has been spent on useful projects is all the public will hear.
Long ago, Ford accused the Wynne government of hiding and/or misusing public funds. Seems the Progressive Conservatives have learned a lesson from ex-premier Kathleen Wynne, and are doing much better hiding their actions. Perhaps Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie could do her job and investigate this situation before it becomes a habit at Queen's Park.
Steven Kaszab