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Whisky double shoplifting attempt at LCBO in Alliston turns sour

Would-be thief nabbed after trying to walk out with two bottles of Canadian booze
LCBO retail sign.

A man accused of trying to lift some spirits had his efforts put on ice following an incident at an LCBO in Alliston.

Nottawasaga OPP say that on Wednesday at around 5:20 p.m. officers were dispatched to the liquor outlet at 22 Dunham Dr. for reports of a man attempting to shoplift two bottles of Canadian whisky with a total value of about $140.

The store's loss prevention staff had one person in custody when police arrived, according to an OPP news release.

While U.S. liquor has been removed from LCBO shelves amid the Canada-U.S. trade war, there appears to still be plenty of Canadian booze for both paying — and non-paying — customers to get their hands on.

Police say the would-be shoplifter had attempted to make off with one bottle of Canadian Club Premium (1750 ml) with a price tag of $69.75, and one bottle of Alberta Premium Whisky (1750 ml) priced at $69.75.

Police allege the man initially provided officers with a false name. Upon further investigation, they were able to make a positive identification.

The 44-year-old man from Southgate Township was arrested and charged with theft under $5,000 — shoplifting, and obstructing a peace officer.

He was released and is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Bradford on May 1.

None of the allegations have been tested in court and the accused is considered innocent unless proven guilty.