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Beware person posing as a fraud investigator, police warn

 Identity theft, or theft of personal information, is number two on the top 10 list of reported frauds in Canada, say police
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The Nottawasaga Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police is investigating an attempted identity theft fraud and would like to remind community members to stay informed and remain vigilant.

 A local resident contacted police to report a telephone call from a male suspect identifying himself as a fraud investigator with the Nottawasaga OPP detachment. During the conversation, the suspect alleged he was investigating a series of frauds and providing fraud prevention tips. At one point, the suspect requested the complainant provide their Social Insurance Number (SIN). Fortunately, the resident was aware this was a scam and did not provide the requested information.

 Nottawasaga OPP do not engage in calling members of the public on the pretext of fraud prevention education and ask for personal information, such as SINs. Should anyone receive a similar call, Nottawasaga OPP recommends to not providing any personal information and terminating the call. 

 Identity theft, or theft of personal information, is number two on the top 10 list of reported frauds in Canada. Personal information, including SINs, can be used by fraudsters to commit financial crimes, including theft and fraud.

 Anyone looking to further educate themselves on the various forms of mass marketing and identity theft fraud can refer to the Nottawasaga OPP Community Report Newspaper that was recently distributed to homes and businesses throughout the detachment area. Information about ongoing scams in Canada are available through the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre by visiting Additional resources are also available at
