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Staff excited to welcome students to new St. Charles School

The new St. Charles school welcomed students to class on Wednesday morning

Teachers and staff welcomed students to the new St. Charles Catholic Elementary School on Simcoe Road in Bradford Wednesday morning for their first day of school.

Principal Cassie Medve-Racine said it was an exciting day for the entire school community, after much anticipation og having it built. 

"They were so excited to see this beautiful new building," she said.

Medve-Racine says she was hired seven years ago as principal of St. Charles, with the plan of transferring into the new building, something that took longer than expected thanks to the pandemic and increased costs of supplies.

"It's an exciting time for St. Charles, the community has been waiting for this and we are really excited to be here," she said. 

Just steps away in front of the new school is the old St. Charles building, which is currently being demolished and made into a new school yard for the students. 

Up until yesterday, the school was the site of many construction crews and equipment, buttoning up last-minute to-dos before opening day. Construction crews remain on site to finish the school play yard area. It is anticipated the sod will be laid by end of October. For now, the students have designated paved areas to play on for recess, blocked by fences away from construction. 

"Short term pain for longterm gain," said Medve-Racine. 

The provincial government provided the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic School Board with $18.2 million in funding to build the school. 

“The completion of the Harvest Hills Elementary School and St. Charles Catholic School is exciting news for our community as we continue to support new, modern schools for students in Bradford,” said Caroline Mulroney, MPP for York-Simcoe in a press release last week. “These investments will ensure families and students have access to a quality learning environment in the years ahead.”

The new school has 470 student spaces (an increase of 120 from the old school), three childcare rooms and 49 new childcare spaces. Last year the school board conducted its ward boundary review, which resulted in the transferring of some students from other Catholic schools in town to the new St. Charles building.

"Having a new school in Bradford is growth of Catholic education. It is a beautiful addition to the community. I am in awe of what an awesome building that has been created. I will make sure that we will continue to build more schools in Bradford and Innisfil," said area trustee Jeanny Salmon.

In June, The Ministry of Education confirmed $16.3 million in funding for a new Catholic elementary school in Bradford, which will be located at Rogers Trail and Vipond Way. Once concepts are approved and vendors are secured, the board will have a better idea of school opening dates.


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