The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) is pleased to announce the launch of a new e-permitting platform.
Through this new tool, property owners in the Nottawasaga watershed can easily submit inquiries about their property or proposed development, book pre-consultations and submit permit applications.
“In the last few years, NVCA has made changes to our operations to improve efficiency and permit review timelines,” said Ben Krul, NVCA’s manager of development planning and permits. “We hope this platform will help us deliver continuous improvement by reducing manual administration work, allowing staff to focus on processing permit applications and responding to requests.”
The e-permitting platform can be accessed on NVCA’s website. To assist users, information about submitting general inquiries, pre-consultations and the permitting process is available on the landing page before they begin their formal request.
NVCA is responsible for regulating activities in natural and hazardous areas to avoid the loss of life and damage to property caused by flooding and erosion. Property owners looking to develop near a watercourse, river, stream, pond, wetland, steep slope, floodplain or the Georgian Bay shoreline may need a permit from NVCA before they start their project.
To save time and money, NVCA advises property owners to book a pre-consultation with NVCA’s regulations and planning staff before submitting. Staff will let property owners know if they are in a regulated area, review project plans, and outline the information required to submit a complete permit application.
Property owners are encouraged to use the e-permitting platform to submit inquiries about their property or proposed development, book pre-consultations and submit permit applications for a more streamlined experience.
“Since this is a new system, we are looking for user feedback to improve usability for everyone in the watershed,” continued Krul. “It is important that property owners of all abilities can navigate and efficiently use this platform.”
To access NVCA’s e-permitting platform or submit feedback, please visit