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Local business owners, entrepreneurs invited to join online COVID-19 forum

Meeting, slated for Monday, March 23, will be held on-line to talk with MPP Andrea Khanjin about government response
MPP for Barrie-Innisfil Andrea Khanjin, seen here at the opening of a new firehall in Innisfil, wants to hear from small business owners and entrepreneurs. Miriam King/Bradford Today

Embrace & Become, the entrepreneurial group established by Cheryl Clark and Sonia DaSilva to build a stronger community, is stepping up to provide some clarity during the COVID-19 pandemic.

They are inviting business owners and entrepreneurs to join a conversation with MPP for Barrie-Innisfil, Andrea Khanjin and MP for Barrie Innisfil John Brassard on Monday, March 23, to clarify the current COVID-19 situation, current restrictions and the response of the government; the forum will be hosted online, on ZOOM.

The candid conversation will begin at 11 a.m., but organizers are asking those with specific questions to email queries to [email protected] “and we will ensure Andrea sees your question and concern prior to the event.”

"To be honest, the MPP reached out to us... and offered her time and knowledge," said Clark. "She volunteered her time and offered a few different dates and times she was avaialble to meet with the local business owners, to provide an update about COVID-19 and the government's response."

Clark sees the meeting as filling a need - especially the need for connection, "and people feeling as though they have a voice" in a time of crisis. 

To participate, create a free ZOOM account, on computer, tablet or device. Meeting ID for ZOOM will be   

The online discussion is expected to take 45 to 60 minutes, although Embrace & Become will continue to be a portal, directing questions and concerns on behalf of the business community. 

"What am I hoping participants get out of the conversation? Validation, connection and hope," Clark said. "Validation that we are not alone, and this is uncharted times for us all. Connection in seeing others share some of the same concerns, fears and anxieties we all may have. Hope that, even though no-one - including our elected officials - have been through this, they see they are in a position to lead, and are expected to have answers."

Answers that she hopes will be provided through the conversation. 

MPP Khanjin noted that the Provincial Minister of Finance is providing an economic update next Wednesday.

"I wanted to hear from small businesses before the update to learn about their needs, and any gaps that exist that have not been covered by the federal government relief package and EI (Employment Insurance) changes," Khanjin said. 

For more information on Embrace & Become, click here.