The Canadian Cadet program has shut down its in-person training, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
37 Bradford Air Cadet Squadron was meeting weekly on Thursday evenings for Parade and training at Fieldcrest Elementary School or the Bradford Legion – both of which have now been closed at least until April 6, as part of the effort to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.
“We are exploring options for online class delivery and hope to have information out to our cadets,” noted C.O. Major Stephen Case. “At the current time, we are planning on at least offering online training through ZOOM,” especially for first year cadets.
Air Cadets offers aviation, leadership and citizenship programs for Youth ages 12 to 18, both boys and girls.
On March 23, a message went out to all families of Bradford Air Cadets, formally announcing the cancellation of in-person training, and the plans to offer mandatory training online.
"For the first time that I can remember, cadet activities across the country have been cancelled and all local training postponed," wrote Case. "Our highest priority during these challenging times is the safety of our cadets and their families."
Training will be provided through ZOOM, a free online communication app also in use by the Simcoe County District School Board. Cadets will need internet access, webcam and microphone to access the 40 minute classes that will be offered on Thursdays - with equipment checks at 7 p.m., and level classes starting at 7:40 p.m.
"It is highly recommended that cadets download the ZOOM app prior to the lesson," Case noted, to avoid wasting time - and avoid frustration.
The first online test meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on March 26, at
That meeting will be followed by Level One, Two, Three and Four online courses. For details and to connect to the different courses, any parent who did not receive the letter of notification is asked to contact C.O. Major Case at [email protected].
"I suspect that it will be full of technical challenges and we will be working through a few glitches, but I am excited that we will be able to continue to deliver the training program," said Case.
For more information check the Bradford Air Cadet website, by clicking here.