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Boredom setting in? Keep kids busy by thinking inside of the box!

Rescue those card board boxes from the Blue Bin, and get creative while the kids are at home and looking for something to do
kids building
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All the parenting experts are advising families to try to maintain a certain amount of structure in the day, during this pandemic-induced, extended March break.

In other words, don’t just leave the kids to television, Netflix and their video games.

Instead, parents are being advised to set aside a specific time of day, every day, to do homework, read books together, head outside for games or a walk, or work on arts and crafts.

One of the most inexpensive and versatile craft materials is .. the cardboard box.

What can be done with a box is limited only by your imagination, and everyone knows kids’ imaginations have no limits.

Make a race car, a castle, a super doll house, an RV, a robot, Minecraft mask, cardboard playhouse, playstore, airplane – the possibilities are endless. Even better, there are plenty of online resources to give you ideas and show you how it’s done.

Check out these ideas from Today’s Parent, by clicking here – or these from MomJunction.

Or just let the kids come up with their own ideas. They won’t be bored, and they may surprise you.