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In his inaugural address, President Donald Trump declared it would be the official policy of the United States of America to recognize “two genders, male and female.”
It is important for queer service organizations and advocacy groups to correct the narrative around this damaging policy and put our elected officials on notice. Accurately acknowledging the realities of the lived experiences of transgender, non-binary, intersex, and gender non-conforming individuals allow them to appropriately craft policy that closes gaps in equity and supports these lived experiences.
It is clear President Trump does not have a clear understanding of the differences between “sex” and “gender.” Sex refers to our biology and gender, the social constructs through which we express either within or outside the bounds of traditional norms. Attempts to knowingly redefine and misuse the terms of sex and gender are often used by individuals who seek to restrict or erase the identities and lived experiences of our transgender, non-binary, intersex, and gender-nonconforming individuals.
Any elected officials, political parties or governments who attempt to enact policies and legislation that harm our community will continue to be appropriately held accountable. We urge them to not take the lead from the remarks of the president of the United States, which are discriminatory and immensely harmful in their potential.
Organizations like pflag York Region will always advocate for and continue to ensure these individuals are treated equitably in our society and further fight and advocate for programs, services, and against a culture that continues to perpetuate widespread harm onto these individuals, who due to systemic gaps and discrimination in institutions and socially within our communities.
Tristan Coolman
President, pflag York Region