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LETTER: Province needs to pay more attention to health care

Booze in corner stores, highways and tunnels all have priority in Doug Ford's mind

BradfordToday and InnisfilToday welcome letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). We received the following submission regarding the health-care system.

Ontario doctors called on the province to address the crisis in the health-care system. The Ontario Medical Association said it wants the provincial government to do more in several areas including the family doctor shortage and long waits for diagnostic tests and surgeries, long wait lists for care, a family doctor shortage, and emergency department closures that have pushed the province’s health system to the point of apparent catastrophe.

Doug Ford is willing to spend billions of dollars for highways to save commuters 15 minutes on their drive home, so why not invest in health care to give patients more time on their lives?

Instead of $55 billion for a tunnel under the 401 to ease gridlock, why not invest that in easing gridlock in emergency rooms and wait times?

Ford is willing to give close to a billion dollars to make booze more easily accessible in corner stores, so why not change your priorities from creating more impaired drivers to creating more desperately needed doctors and nurses?

Doug Ford’s short-term focus is on buying votes, mostly in the Greater Toronto Area, while he’s willing to let patients in Ontario suffer the consequences of a health-care system that’s quickly falling apart. Isn’t it about time for a change?

Danny Hammond