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I am writing with a heavy heart about my decision to support the Green Party in Ontario politics.
Over the years, I have generally supported the Conservative Party, both provincially and federally.
However, I am unable to continue to support the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario due to Premier Ford’s attack on the Greenbelt.
This is a difficult decision for me given my great admiration for my MPP, Caroline Mulroney, both as a person and as a politician, whom I have been pleased to support in the last two provincial elections.
Caroline is rightfully proud of her father's reputation as Canada’s greenest prime minister.
The premier’s lack of concern for the climate crisis, both locally and worldwide, makes it imperative that we replace the government at our earliest opportunity.
I am an old man, but for the sake of my 15 grandchildren and our future generations, I will support the Green Party in the next Ontario election.
Bob Evans