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Last evening, I attended a library community function and was amazed at the turnout of residents who support the library staff on strike, and I lament the fact that a settlement has not been reached.
I have lived in Bradford for 60-plus years and have never seen a strike like this, and have certainly never come to the library during its open hours to find the doors locked due to a strike.
It is now Day 21 of the strike, and as a council and library board, you should all be ashamed of this situation.
You could give your CEO, already on the Sunshine List, a 7.8 per cent raise, but cannot give your front-line library workers a $1.35 raise. Each of you is assured of your pay coming in to help you feed your family and pay your rent/mortgage.
Each of these workers has the same need, and many are working two jobs to make ends meet. I am ashamed of my town council, many of whom I know by name. I thought we lived in a town where we care about our community.
In the Aug. 1 issue of BradfordToday, I see my council members proudly posing for a photo shoot to tell us they are running for Bradford to raise money for local charities. Kudos to them. Looks good, but what about your own workers who need the use of the food bank because they cannot earn enough?
Shame! Shame! Meet the request of your librarians, who are such an essential part of this community.
Leni Vander Kooij