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There will probably be a provincial election soon.
Premier Doug Ford already has a majority government, and a mandate to carry out the work needed for his constituents.
It is asinine to ask the public to go to the polls, and spend millions of unnecessary dollars at a time when people are struggling financially, the federal government is in tatters, and Trump is bullying us around.
We need our premier to focus on the people of his province, and not his desire to keep his job.
I will go to the polls if necessary, but will not vote for Doug Ford.
And I will dissuade all my friends and family members from voting for Doug Ford.
I voted for him when he was running, and rue the day I did so.
In this province, we need health care, education services, and extra help for the disabled.
We do not need money spent foolishly on unnecessary projects.
Peter Vander Kooij