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'Donate a Dinner' initiative provides free meals for healthcare providers

Group of local businesses come together to offer a free meal program for the month of April for healthcare workers
Tony Garcia of Poleiro BBQ cooked the Christmas Mess Dinner held at the Bradford Legion. Miriam King/Bradford Today

Our local heroes on the front lines fighting the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be thanked enough. In these uncertain times, they are the ones putting their lives on the line everyday to make sure everyone is well cared for and kept safe. 

It goes without saying that their hard work and efforts don't go unnoticed. 

But what if there was something more that could be done to show our appreciation? 

That was the thought Bradford resident, and active volunteer Debbie Viveiros had when coming up with her new 'Donate a Dinner' program for all healthcare workers. 

Viveiros is already well known in the Bradford community for her can-do, positive attitude and willingness to help others. She is a mortgage agent with Mortgage Edge, and has enlisted the help of other local businesses to organize the new 'Give Your Share to Show You Care' meal initiative. 

Viveiros, along with Jennifer Feeney of Jen Feeney Events, Tony Garcia, owner of Poleiro BBQ, Sandra Silva of Kangoo Club Bradford, John Pirri of J&S Cleaning, Tanya Matias of Alpha Detailing, Anastasia Orlando and Joanna Paciorek of Daryl King Realty, and Stephanie and Matthew Knapp of Knapp Acres, have all come together to sponsor the program. 

"When Deb reached out to me to get involved with Donate a Dinner it was a no brainer to come on board," said Feeney. 

Both she and her husband are self-employed and are currently feeling the financial strain in this crisis. 

"But there's a silver lining to this; we both get to be safe at home with our three kids," she said, adding, "Frontline healthcare workers are putting themselves at risk everyday to care for our community, taking time away from their own families. They deserve all the love, appreciation and support they can get."

Anyone looking to donate can send an electronic money transfer of $10 to [email protected].  All proceeds will provide a healthcare provider with a fresh, hot meal of a quarter chicken, two sides and a drink from Poleiro's BBQ. 

Garcia has always generously donated his food and services for many events and organizations in the Bradford community. He even provides free Friday Night Social dinners at the Bradford Legion, once a month - when the Legion is open. 

He says community is what matters most to him.

Garcia's father died when he was just five-years-old and the family grew up with very little.

"My mother raised four kids alone, no welfare system to help, but the community back home in Terceira Island, Azores (Portugal). It makes me feel good and proud to be able to help with and what I can," he shared.  

Similarily, Pirri and his wife Shaina say that they when they opened their cleaning business 30 years ago, their goal was always to help the community in any way they could. 

"We knew it was important to step up and give back to those who put their health and safety on the line to protect us all from the dangers of this life-changing virus that has consumed us all with fear and uncertainty," said Pirri. "We hope that our small gesture will only encourage others to give back and support those who have made daily sacrifices in order to keep us safe."

Knapp Acres is a family-run landscaping business, owned and operated by Stephanie and Matthew Knapp. The Knapps said they fell in love with the idea when Viveiros shared it with them. 

"Our front line care workers are close to our hearts as we have needed to lean on them heavily in the past," said Stephanie. "This is something we are proud to support, to say thank you for everything to those big-hearted individuals fighting for our health - not just in this, but always."

Anastasia Orlando says she and her business partner are happy to be part of such an amazing program.

"We are blessed to be part of this amazing community and want to share the love and support. Donate a meal because their love is real!" she shared.

Silva, who used to work in security at Sick Kids Hospital, says she knows how hard it can be working in healthcare, with many often working long hours and skipping meals. So when Viveiros asked her about helping sponsor the program, "I did not hesitate to say a big yes!" 

Matias said her company is thrilled to be part of the initiative. 

"No words could ever describe how grateful we are for these workers. At Alpha Detailing it is greatly important to us to give back as much as we can," she said. 

The program will run throughout all of April, but Garcia says he will assess in two weeks to see about extending into May. Healthcare providers can redeem this offer by calling Poleiro's Bradford location at 905-551-2230, letting them know you are a front line healthcare worker. Meals can be made ready for pick-up or delivery.

"Hopefully by end of April, this whole thing may be a memory," said Garcia. "Debbie Viveiros was and continues to be a huge supporter of this initiative - and all businesses who are sponsoring this and of course the people of Bradford, Thank you!"

Since advertising the program online on Monday, they already have 92 meals confirmed for order.

Check out the Donate A Dinner Facebook page here for more information. 

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Natasha Philpott

About the Author: Natasha Philpott

Natasha is the Editor for BradfordToday and InnisfilToday. She graduated from the Media Studies program at The University of Guelph-Humber. She lives in Bradford with her husband, two boys and two cats.
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