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'Wine Fairies' leaving anonymous gifts for women in Bradford

Women in Bradford are taking part in a new Facebook game that involves having gifts of wine delivered to your door

Social distancing and quarantine may have everyone stuck inside, away from friends and family, but that hasn't stopped some women in Bradford and surrounding areas from spreading positivity and cheer amongst one another in a new 'Wine Fairy' game on Facebook.

What's a Wine Fairy? 

An annonymous woman who delivers wine and treats to fellow females in her neighbourhood. 

The phenomenon has sparked interest online, with many groups created locally and throughout the province. 

In each Facebook group there are photo albums dedicated to a particular city/town, where members post their address along with a list of their favourite types of wine or treats. The idea is for the women to surprise each other with annonymous packages of items on their wishlist at their doorstep. 

In Bradford, a few women have joined Wine Fairy ONTARIO LADIES ONLY Facebook group, which is administrated by Melissa Parasco who lives in Sutton-West. Parasco only started the group last weekend and already has 15K+ members. She describes it as the positive adult version of 'Nicky Nicky Nine Door.'

"This is a fun way for women to give back to women. Spread a little positivity and cheer through these difficult times," reads the group's page description. 

Parasco started the group after hearing about a similar group in her hometown, Muskoka. She originally started as a group for York Region women only, but expanded it this week to include women from all over Ontario. 

"I decided to do one for York Region so I could spread some cheer here," she explained. "Ladies kept messaging me asking if their area could be added too, I just couldn't say no."

Within less than a week, over 15,000 members have joined, and she is looking for help to moderate the page. 

"So many amazing ladies have reached out to offer help," she explained. "All of it, every bit of it, this is so heartwarming."

Parasco herself has made seven gift deliveries to women in her area. 

"I haven't had a wine fairy come visit me yet, however I have a sneaky suspicion that my one friend is working on that," she said. 

Once women receive their gift, they are asked to remove their address from the post so they are not gifted more than once. 

"This way we can spread the love around," explained Parasco. 

Many women in Bradford have taken part in the giving and receiving of gifts this week including Shanna Brander. 

"It's awesome. What a wonderful feeling on such gloomy days," she said of the game. "I was gifted this morning, something to bring a smile to our faces. I cannot wait to give as well. Possibly even more excited than receiving."

Tracy Burns-Eberlin was delighted to receive her surprise gift on her doorstep this week. 

"Even in 'normal'  times who doesn’t like a little surprise?" she said. "Spreading smiles is contagious! I am preparing several bags and will do deliveries on the weekend! Some treats, wine, nice candle! How can you go wrong?"

And while some women are embracing the idea, others are hesitant to participate. 

"I was invited (to the Facebook group) by a lovely neighbour but then removed myself for a few reasons," explained Bradford resident Suzanne Battaglia-Monteleone. 

For one, she is uncomfortable with having her address posted in the group, secondly she is not sure she would be able to consume all the wine gifted to her.

"I struggle with what I get when I used to have dinner parties," she said. And thirdly, she doesn't want to feel obligated to go out and purchase a gift for someone else. 

"I don’t want to be worrying about going out to buy something for someone while I’m in lock down and have others touch things that will end up in my home during this pandemic."

But she said she plans to drop off some goodies to her neighbour that invited her to the group, once the quarantine is over. 

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Natasha Philpott

About the Author: Natasha Philpott

Natasha is the Editor for BradfordToday and InnisfilToday. She graduated from the Media Studies program at The University of Guelph-Humber. She lives in Bradford with her husband, two boys and two cats.
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