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Even though a man’s reproductive system is not as complex as the female system, their problems are just as real. Man’s traditional role has changed over the years and so have their concerns. Men now suffer more from fertility issues and erectile dysfunction than ever before.
The prostate gland is one of the few things that can go wrong. This is what most of the men that come to us for help seem to complain about. Frequent urination, too many nighttime visits to the washroom and increased urgency but decreased force…..we always recommend SAW PALMETTO. In 95% of the cases this will help & without side effects from chemical drugs. It has been found to be more effective than drugs, such as Flomax & faster acting & safer. We also recommend Vitamin C, E and zinc, which can be found as a pill or eating pepitas everyday….a good handful. These are the inside of the pumpkin seed. Pumpkin seed oil can also help as do essential fatty acids, which also help with cholesterol problems.
Nancy’s Note…. My Dad suffered from an enlarged prostate & after taking Saw palmetto and the pumpkin seeds for 3 months, when he went in for the scheduled surgery it was cancelled as he was back to normal and never had any more problems!
NETTLE ROOT also reduces nighttime visits to the washroom by half & improves urinary frequency and flow in over 90% of men. It helps shrink the prostate gland.
Other products that may help are licorice (do not take if you have high blood pressure), aged garlic extract and lycopenes ( found in cooked tomato products, grapefruit & guava.

HAIR LOSS….80% of North American men are affected by hair loss. Chemotherapy, anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, antibiotics, blood thinners, antidepressants; heart, cholesterol, ulcer & arthritis drugs can all cause hair loss.
Deficiency in several nutrients such as zinc, vitamin A, iron can cause hair loss. Gluten intolerance, without showing any other symptoms, can even cause hair loss. Also Stress or Hypothyroidism. 1000-1500 mg. Vitamin C & 400 I.U.’s Vitamin E is recommended (also important for BPH) & saw palmetto. A high fat, high protein diet can also be a cause, as it affects the kidneys and the role the kidneys have in influencing hair.

MALE IMPOTENCE….Smoking, alcohol, prescription drugs especially blood pressure lowering drugs can cause the shrinking of the testes and decreased testosterone production. Anti depressants also cause a lack of sexual desire or response. Again Vitamin E & zinc are important for this condition. Help comes with a vegetarian diet, stress reduction methods and exercise. Gingko Biloba increases the circulation to the extremities, including blood flow to the penis. This also helps with memory so a double whammy.
Korean, Siberian or Asian Ginseng have also shown to improve erectile dysfunction.

MALE INFERTILITY….Sperm count & quality are plummeting and are only 40% of what they were in the 1940’s. Obesity, hot tubs, saunas, vigorous exercise & tight fitting clothes, chemicals in pesticides are all having a toll on the male species. Again Vitamin C & Zinc are important, zinc being very important in helping with testosterone production, sperm formation & sperm mobility. Vitamin E(tocopherols)is known as the sex vitamin or the antisterility vitamin…also ashwagandha root improves sperm count, mobility & testosterone. Eating nuts, seeds, fibre & taking a good essential fatty acid is important.

GOUT….this is definitely one of the biggest problems that many of our male customers deal with. A type of arthritis caused by excessive uric acid, forming sharp crystals that cause inflammation and damage in the joints & other tissues.
Uric acid is a breakdown product of purine, found in many foods & alcohol, especially beer, also refined sugars & carbohydrates. We have a good printout on foods etc. to eat or to avoid or it can be googled. Again certain drugs will decrease the body’s ability to excrete uric acid. Drink lots of water to flush the uric acid out of the body.
Our go-to is cherry juice….unsweetened tart cherry juice…1/2 cup daily as a preventative. Eating cherries, strawberries & pomegranate & other berries may help as well. Vitamin C, folic acid with B12, devil’s claw, nettle, celery seed & juice, quercetin, bromelain, dandelion & burdock are also helpful. It is important to remember that all our bodies are unique so what helps one person may not necessarily help everyone.

BELL LIFESTYLE has a great product called GOUT RELIEF and it comes with a 100% guarantee. This has helped many of our customers in conjunction with Cherry Juice.
INFO from The Family Naturopathic Encyclopedia by Linda Woolven M.H. & Ted Snider.

152 Holland St. E unit 1

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