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Upcoming Aquatic Leadership Courses this fall

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Leadership Level 1 – LSS Bronze Star
An excellent preparation for success in the Lifesaving Society’s Bronze Medallion. Participants develop problem solving and decision-making skills individually and with partners. Candidates learn CPR and develop the lifesaving skills needed to be a lifesaver. Includes a 400m timed swim. Prerequisite: 12 years old or Star Patrol.
Date: Tuesday, October 15 – Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Time: 5:45 – 7:15 pm
Fee: $116.73
Age: 12-14 years
Code: 35289

Leadership Level 2 – LSS Bronze Medallion
In Bronze Medallion, candidates learn lifesaving principles, embodied in the four components of water rescue education: judgement, fitness, knowledge and skill. Rescuers learn tows, carries and release methods in preparation for risky and challenging rescues. Lifesavers develop stroke efficiency and endurance in a 400m swim within 12 minutes. Prerequisite: 13 years old or Bronze Star.
Date: Friday, October 18 – Sunday, October 20, 2024
Time: Friday 4:00 – 10:00 pm, Saturday and Sunday11:00 am – 8:00 pm
Fee: $218.75
Age: 13+ years
Code: 32506

Leadership Level 2 – LSS Bronze Medallion
In Bronze Medallion, candidates learn lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water rescue education: judgement, fitness, knowledge and skill. Rescuers learn tows, carries and release methods in preparation for risky and challenging rescues. Lifesavers develop stroke efficiency and endurance in a 400m swim within 12 minutes. Prerequisite: 13 years old or Bronze Star.
Date: Sunday, December 27 – Saturday, December 29, 2024
Time: Friday 4:00 – 10:00 pm, Saturday & Sunday 12:00 – 9:00 pm
Fee: $218.75
Age: 13+ years
Code: 35406

Leadership Level 3 – LSS Bronze Cross + EFA
Bronze Cross offers advanced training including an introduction to safe supervision in aquatic facilities, the difference between life saving and lifeguarding, and the principles of emergency procedures. This course includes a timed 400m swim within 11 minutes. Emergency First Aid provides comprehensive training in general first aid and CPR. Prerequisite: Bronze Medallion.
Date: Friday, October 25 – Sunday November 3, 2024
Time: Fri 4:00 – 10:00 pm, Saturday & Sunday 2:00 – 8:00 pm
Fee: $183.00
Age: 13+ years
Code: 32507

Leadership Level 3 – LSS Bronze Cross + EFA
Bronze Cross offers advanced training including an introduction to safe supervision in aquatic facilities, the difference between life saving and lifeguarding, and the principles of emergency procedures. This course includes a timed 400m swim within 11 minutes. Emergency First Aid provides comprehensive training in general first aid and CPR. Prerequisite: Bronze Medallion.
Date: Friday, December 27 – Sunday, January 5, 2024
Time: Fri 4:00 – 10:00 pm, Saturday & Sunday 3:00 – 9:00 pm
Fee: $183.00
Age: 13+ years
Code: 35410

Leadership Level 4 -LSS Standard First Aid & CPR-C
This course is for those wanting an in-depth understanding of topics such as medical/legal considerations, spinal injury management, environmental injuries, bone/joint injuries, abdominal/chest injuries, burns and other medical emergencies. Standard First Aid is recognized by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (W.S.I.B.).
Date: Saturday, November 23 – Sunday, November 24, 2024
Time: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Fee: $150.00
Age: 14+ years
Code: 32508

Leadership Level 5 - LSS Assistant Swim Instructor
Through classroom learning and in-water practice, the Lifesaving Society Assistant Swim Instructor course prepares candidates to help instructors with swimming and lifesaving classes. Candidates are introduced to key principles of learning and teaching while they master basic progressions. The roles and responsibilities of instructors and their assistants are emphasized. Prerequisites: 14 years of age by the end of the course; Bronze Cross or higher certification (need not be current).
Date: Friday, November 8 – Sunday, November 10, 2024
Time: Fri 4:00 – 10:00 pm, Saturday & Sunday 11:00 am – 8:00 pm
Fee: $165.25
Age: 14+ years
Code: 32509

Leadership Level 6 - LSS Swim + Lifesaving Instructor
The Lifesaving Society Swim Instructor course prepares the instructor to teach and evaluate basic swim strokes and related skills. Candidates acquire proven teaching methods, a variety of stroke development drills and correction techniques. Current Swim Instructors teach and certify candidates in all levels of the Swim for Life® and Canadian Swim Patrol programs. The Lifesaving Instructor course prepares individuals to organize, plan, teach and evaluate lifesaving and first aid skills and resuscitation techniques in the Society’s lifesaving and first aid awards. Successful candidates receive three certifications: Lifesaving Swim Instructor, Lifesaving Instructor, and Emergency First Aid Instructor.
Date: Friday, November 15 – Sunday December 1, 2024
Time: Fri 4:00 – 10:00 pm, Saturday & Sunday 11:00 – 8:00 pm
Fee: $375.50
Age: 15+ years
Code: 32510

Leadership Level 7 – LSS National Lifeguard
The National Lifeguard certification is Canada's professional lifeguard standard. National Lifeguard training develops a sound understanding of lifeguard principles, good judgement, and a mature and responsible attitude towards the lifeguard's role. National Lifeguard training emphasizes prevention and effective rescue response in emergencies including first aid treatment. Candidates develop teamwork, leadership and communication skills. Fitness requirements include a timed object recovery, 50m sprint challenge, 50m rescue drill and 400m endurance challenge within 10 minutes. 100% attendance is required. Unsuccessful candidates are required to take the entire course again. Prerequisite: 15 years old, Bronze Cross, and Standard First Aid & CPR-C (SFA must be provided by one of the following agencies: Lifesaving Society, St. John Ambulance, Canadian Red Cross or Canadian Ski Patrol).
Date: Friday, December 6 – Sunday, December 15, 2024
Time: Fri 4:00 – 10:00 pm, Saturday & Sunday 11:00 am – 8:00 pm
Fee: $349.80
Age: 15+ yrs
Code: 32511

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