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Town of BWG Community Calendar

Looking to add your next event to the Town of BWG’s website?
Town of BWG Image

Did you know residents can submit community hosted events to the Town of BWG website?

The Town of BWG’s Community Calendar houses a variety of different events and schedules including:

  • Community Hosted Events
  • Leisure Centre Drop-In Schedules
  • Public Library Events
  • Town Hosted Events
  • Town Office Closures

To submit your Community Hosted event, visit and create an account at

Disclaimer: Posting an event does not imply endorsement by the owner of this calendar. The owner does not accept responsibility for any damages caused by posting of incorrect or inappropriate information. The owner reserves the right to edit a message or category for grammar and clarity and the right to deny submissions or remove submissions at any time and at its sole discretion. The owner reserves the right to revise the calendar criteria at any time.