Every Spring and Fall, the Town’s Water Division completes watermain flushing, which consists of running water at every hydrant to ensure a clean and fresh water supply for our municipal water customers.
Starting today and through the end of May, water will be run at every hydrant in BWG. Work takes place Mondays to Fridays between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.
This exercise may cause non-harmful sediment to enter the water system, which presents as yellowish tap water. Should you experience discoloured water, please run your water tap for about 10 minutes until the water runs clear. If the water does not clear, please contact BWG’s Water Division at 905-775-5369 ext. 2300, or by email at [email protected].
Running the water to have it clear up is up to each homeowner and credits will not be applied to residential water/wastewater utility bills, as this exercise is considered to be ongoing maintenance. For those who choose to run the water to have it run clear, running your tap over several minutes is not expected to significantly impact your water bill (about $0.25 for an average faucet running for 10 minutes).
For after-hours water emergencies, like watermain breaks, please contact the South Simcoe Police Service’s non-emergency line at 905 775 3311 and the Town’s on-call staff will be dispatched.