The week-long break is going to look a little different this year, but one thing that hasn’t changed is our love for Singing with Russ! Sing with Russ is one of BWG’s favourite programs and the BWG Library is making sure that you can sing, jump, wiggle and dance as you enjoy Russ’ music from home.
Sing and dance along to your favourite songs with children’s entertainer and recording artist Russ Clayton on Monday, April 12 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. for this virtual concert. This free program is recommended for children ages 1 and up. Click here to register for this free online concert and, prior to the event, you will receive an email with the Zoom link to join the virtual program via computer, smartphone or tablet.
All of the Library’s virtual programs, including Russ’ concert, are available to everyone!Links to virtual programs will be available on the Children’s Programming page on the BWG Library Website starting Saturday, April 10 and no registration is required for most programs.
Sing With Russ: A Virtual Concert
Monday, April 12 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
Join us on Zoom for a Sing With Russ virtual concert! Enjoy songs with children’s entertainer Russ Clayton while you sing and dance along to the music.This program is free and registration is required.
Recommended for ages 1 and older.Registration required. Click here to register.Before the event, attendees will receive an email with the Zoom link to the virtual program.
LEGO Challenge
Test your building skills with the BWG LEGO Challenge!
Spin the virtual wheel complete whichever challenge the spin lands on!Spin the wheel as many times as you want. The LEGO Challenge will be available through the BWG Library website from April 12 through April 19. No registration required.
Be sure to share with us what you make! You can send us a picture through Facebook Messenger or via email to [email protected].
Virtual Family Trivia
Do you love Disney and Pixar movies? How about the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Try our Disney, Pixar and Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) family trivia challenge by visiting the BWG Library Website! All questions are based on any Disney, Pixar or Marvel superhero movies, (not the comic books).
You will have only one minute to answer each question, so come prepared to play. Your score is based on whether you answer correctly and you'll earn more points the faster you answer!Participate in our Kahoot! Trivia from April 12 to 19. No registration required, simply visit to begin.