If you receive unpaid help from someone to clear snow from your driveway and/or private walkways, we can help you say thank you through our local Snow Angels program!
The Town of BWG Snow Angels program has been in place for three years and we have helped dozens of residents say thanks by supplying a special thank-you package from the office of the Mayor. Contact the Town via our website at www.townofbwg.com/snowangels to receive a recognition package to pass along to your Snow Angel.
High school students should be aware that providing unpaid assistance such as snow shoveling to people in need of help can be counted towards community involvement hours.
Snow Angels Canada is a website where people can sign up to offer their time, and where people in need of help can register to find a local volunteer. This program is not affiliated with the Town of BWG, so please read the information thoroughly before signing up. Click here to go to the site to learn more.
You may also wish to offer help directly to your neighbours simply by dropping a note at the door to let them know you’re willing to help, or ringing the doorbell after a snowfall.
Thank you for being a good neighbour!