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Back-to-School Season is Here

Be prepared with these safety tips
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The new school year is upon us which means increased traffic on our streets. School buses and public transit are back to their regular routes, and more pedestrians are walking, cycling, or making their way to school.

Be prepared by reading our safety tips to help ensure everyone remains safe this school year.

1) Be mindful of School Zone Speed limits

It’s important to obey speed limits, especially during the school year. Kids can be distracted and may cross the road unexpectedly, so driving slowly and staying alert around schools helps keep them safe. This is important not just during drop-off and pick-up times, but also during recess and lunch when children might be outside.

2) Obey Crossing Guards

A crossing guard is there to ensure children's safety. If you reach a set of lights and they turn green, but the crossing guard is still signaling you to stop, follow the guard's instructions rather than the traffic light. There could be a child crossing the street who isn’t visible to you.

3) Watch for Children

Kids can be easily distracted, which can lead to dangerous situations on the road. Stay vigilant and alert while driving. Quick reflexes can help prevent accidents and keep everyone safe.

4) School Buses

Most accidents with school buses happen outside of the bus. Make sure kids don’t arrive too early at the bus stop to avoid wandering. They should wait well back from the road and only approach when the bus has come to a complete stop and the doors are open. Teach them to walk at least three meters (10 feet) in front of the bus so the driver can see them. When driving near a school bus, be extra careful and don’t pass if the bus’s lights are flashing, and always drive slowly.

Wishing everyone a safe return to school and a wonderful year ahead.