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Automated Speed Enforcement Program is Leading to Safer Streets in BWG

Pilot program having a positive impact on driver behaviour
Town of BWG Image

At its meeting held September 3rd, Council received a report on the initial results of its new Automated Speed Enforcement program (ASE).  The program, as Mayor James Leduc notes, is having a positive impact on driver behaviour.

“In the four Community Safety Zones where we deployed the ASE cameras, we’ve seen a decrease in speeding vehicles and a decline in the number of tickets issued.  People are paying attention and driving slower – the program works”.

Mayor Leduc added, “Community Safety Zones feature our parks and schools with lots of pedestrian activity and children.  Council launched the ASE program to make these areas safer, which was a priority that we set at the beginning of our term”.

In partnership with Global Traffic Group Ltd., the town launched the ASE program in May 2024 as a one-year pilot project.  Speed cameras were initially installed at locations along Holland Street West, Professor Day Drive, Simcoe Road, and Line 7 in Bond Head.  As part of a planned three-stage rotation, cameras have recently been relocated to West Park Avenue, Fletcher Street, Miller Park Avenue, and a new location on Simcoe Road.

The Town’s ASE program is funded through the fines it generates.  To date, the total penalty amount issued is $1.88M.  From that, $289,000 has been remitted to the provincial government for various fees and the town’s net revenue is $851,000.  These figures have been updated since the preparation of the September 3rd report to Council.

“Although we are still at an early stage of the ASE pilot program, I am very enthusiastic about its positive impacts.  We’re seeing reduced speeds and safer streets.  Council has already decided that any proceeds generated by the program will be reinvested in other community safety initiatives, which will directly benefit our taxpayers.  This is a big win for our community!”, stated Mayor Leduc.

Additional information on the Town’s Automated Speed Enforcement program can be found at this link.