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Still time to enter the Gingerbread House competition

Raise the roof, and decorate it - to enter the Gingerbread House competition
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The Rotary Club of Innisfil invites bakers and cake decorators to enter the club’s First Annual Simcoe County Gingerbread House Competition.

Judging will take place Saturday, Nov. 30 at the Innisfil ideaLAB & Library’s Lakeshore Branch, at 967 Innisfil Beach Road, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. – when judges Anne Kell, Sydney Hardie, and Beatriz Muller, award-winning Certified Master Sugar Artist and winner of the Food Network’s 2018 Gingerbread House Contest, will announce the winners in each category.

Categories include Kid Bakers between the ages of six and 12; Teen Bakers (ages 13 to 18), Adult Hobbyists age 19 and up, and a special category for Group/Team entries (one entry per group). Professional bakers are welcome.

Kids are allowed to use a kit; everyone else is asked to come up with their own design, using real gingerbread – although entries are not limited to ‘houses.’ Entries can be as creative, or elaborate, or wild as the maker’s imagination.

One more restriction: Everything, above the base (plywood is recommended), must be edible! No plastic, no styrofoam, no wire - just gum paste, fondant, chocolate, royal icing, cast or pressed sugar, candies, marzipan and other edibles must be used in the decorating.

The judges will consider overall appearance, difficulty, creativity/originality and technique. Base size and height should not exceed 24 inches.

For an entry form, and details of the competition, contact the Innisfil Rotary Club at [email protected]. Entry fee is $5 for kids, $10 for teens, $25 for all others.

Deadline for entries is Nov. 15. The public is invited to come out and view the culinary creations at the Lakeshore Library on Nov. 30.