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South Simcoe Police get $40K from province for crime prevention program

Funds doled out through province’s Civil Remedies Grant Program
2018-11-28-south simcoe police logo
South Simcoe Police Services headquarters in Bradford. Jenni Dunning/BradfordToday

Two local police forces are recipients of new provincial funding for projects that will target underlying causes of crime and aid in crime prevention.

Barrie Police Service will receive about $96,000 for their Safer Communities Through Collaborative Justice project, while South Simcoe Police will receive about $40,000 for their Crime Analytics Project. The funding was announced on Wednesday through the provincial Civil Remedies Grant Program.

“We agree with law-abiding citizens who say crime should not pay, and we have made it harder for criminals to hold on to the proceeds of their crimes through the Smarter and Stronger Justice Act,” said Attorney General and Barrie-Springwater-Oro-Medonte MPP Doug Downey. “These grants will help communities fight back against human trafficking and deter unlawful activity in their regions.”

According to a provincial release, the Safer Communities through Collaborative Justice program will bring justice partners together to address the underlying causes of crime, such as mental health, addiction or family violence. The funds will be used to focus efforts on a system that supports the most vulnerable people and works to reform offenders and lower rates of re-offending.

The Crime Analytics Project will fund the use of data analytic resources to help police with crime prevention and proactive strategies by providing insights on patterns and prevalence of crimes in the community.

"Our government is continuing to make it harder for criminals to hold on to the proceeds of their crimes," said Barrie-Innisfil MPP Andrea Khanjin. "We will always stand up for law-abiding citizens and support the victims of crime."


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