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Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition hosting local Bradford Bypass forums

First Townhall slated for Bradford on June 4; residents are invited to attend and bring their questions
These signs were placed alongside the road during a recent Bradford Bypass protest

Three townhalls are being hosted in Bradford, East Gwillimbury and Sutton to help the public, media and elected officials better understand the Bradford Bypass 400 - 404 connector highway proposal and its implications. 

Residents and environmental groups with the support of lawyers, ecologists and health professionals have analyzed the proposal and would like to share their observations about how this particular plan would affect the area, and residents’ lives, traffic, health, and environment. 

Some of the questions the hosts aim to answer are: does the current route make the most sense? Is this a responsible use of $2 to $4 billion in taxpayer dollars in the midst of healthcare and social service crises? What alternatives have been overlooked? The hosts will have large printed maps around the room showing what is planned, what was considered in the past, and what the impacts could be. 

These free events are open to all to come or drop in. Residents are encouraged to bring their questions, particularly as so many in the public have been disappointed with the province’s Public Information Sessions.

The Townhalls are as follows:

  1. BRADFORD Sunday June 4, 4 – 6 p.m.

Bradford & District Memorial Community Centre, (Old Community Centre)125 Simcoe Road, Bradford – Auditorium Room upstairs

  1. SUTTON Sunday June 11, 3 PM – 5 p.m,

The Link, 20849 Dalton Road, Sutton.

  1. EAST GWILLIMBURY Tuesday June 20, 6 – 8 p.m.

Holland Landing Public Library, Trillium Room, 19513 Yonge Street, Holland Landing.

Walk ins welcome, but those who would like email reminders, please add your information to this secure form:

More information and maps here

Hosted by FROGS, Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition, Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition, and volunteers. 



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