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Ontario 4-H donation helps establish South Simcoe 4-H memorial fund

The newly-established Doreen McKay Jose Memorial Fund recognizes her involvement in the 4-H program in South Simcoe County
Doreen and Doug Jose.

The Ontario 4-H Foundation is pleased to share the news of a $100,000 donation to establish the Doreen McKay Jose Memorial Fund in support of the South Simcoe 4-H Association. Doug Jose made the donation in honour of his late wife, Doreen, whom he met at a 4-H beef club meeting in Beeton, Ont. in 1965.

“It is a pleasure to honor Doreen for her enthusiastic involvement in the 4-H program in South Simcoe County,” shares Doug Jose, donor. “It is also an opportunity to acknowledge and pay tribute to the entire McKay family, her parents Bill and Nora and her sister, Margaret. They all passionately participated and contributed to the success of the county 4-H program. I fondly remember the support of all the 4-H members and their families. I am honored to assist in the continued development of young people in South Simcoe through the 4-H program.”

Doug and Doreen each participated in a variety of 4-H projects throughout their 4-H tenure, including dairy, grain, farm safety, beef, potato, and more. Doreen was a longtime participant of South Simcoe 4-H, and Doug grew up as a 4-H participant in Durham County. The couple married in 1968 and had one child, Darrell. The family resided in Nebraska where Doug was a professor of agricultural economics at the University of Nebraska.

The Doreen McKay Jose Memorial Fund will provide South Simcoe 4-H Association with approximately $3,500 annually to support their program activities. The Association may use the funds to support their youth however they see fit, whether it be through an education fund, provincial or local program subsidies, or other assistance. The flexibility of the award will directly benefit 4-H youth in South Simcoe.

"We truly appreciated the opportunity to speak with Doug and learn more about Doreen's involvement in the South Simcoe 4-H Association. We look forward to honouring her memory and Doug's generosity through the establishment of several awards, and opportunities for youth to participate in leadership development opportunities through 4-H locally and beyond,” says Tamara Fisher-Cullen, Association Representative and Board Member, South Simcoe 4-H Association.

The Doreen McKay Jose Memorial Fund’s annual funds will be disbursed to the South Simcoe 4-H Association and to the Ontario 4-H Foundation’s general endowment fund beginning in 2025.

“The Ontario 4-H Foundation is grateful to Doug and his family for his incredibly generous contribution to the 4-H program. His gift will benefit both the Foundation’s endowment fund and South Simcoe 4-H participants for many years to come. We are honoured that Doug chose the Foundation as the vehicle for his 4-H legacy,” shares Naomi Lutes, Chair, Ontario 4-H Foundation.

The Ontario 4-H Foundation supports the long-term financial health of 4-H in Ontario by managing and growing endowment funds to support youth through local and provincial programming, along with scholarships and awards.

The Foundation manages about $3 million in funds and generates revenue through donations, investment returns and their annual golf tournaments.

Donors are welcome to make further donations to the fund in honour of Doreen and the youth of the South Simcoe 4-H Association. Donations can be made on the Ontario 4-H Foundation
