The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury celebrated the arrival of 2020 with the 5th annual Bradford West Gwillimbury Mayor’s New Year’s Levee - offering free skating, balloon-twisting, musical entertainment by Russ Clayton and Bradford duo Ainsley and Alyssa, free cake and refreshments.
Mayor Rob Keffer and all members of council were at the BWG Leisure Centre on Sunday afternoon for the Levee, open to residents of all ages.
“We’re starting a new year and a new decade. It’s hard to believe it’s 2020,” said Mayor Keffer, adding that he was happy to see families “just out with their neighbours, and just having a good afternoon of fun.”
Councillors handed out free Town of BWG pens and reflective wristbands, and slices of cake, chatting with their constituents. They also shared their New Year’s resolutions, which ranged from goals for the community, to more personal targets.
For Coun. Peter Dykie Jr., 2020 will be a year to “maintain a healthy and safe community. We have such a family-oriented community – I want to keep it healthy and safe.” His goal as a councillor, he said, was “to be open-minded, and do the best we can.”
Deputy Mayor James Leduc is looking forward to a proposed restructuring of the County of Simcoe, and County Council. “That we structurally change the County for 2020 – that we find efficiencies - that’s what I’m most excited about,” Leduc said.
“Just a healthy, happy, prosperous 2020 for everybody in Bradford West Gwillimbury,” said Coun. Gary Baynes.
Others had more personal resolutions.
“I’d love to spend more time with my family,” said Coun. Peter Ferragine.
“To contribute to my grandchildren’s happiness, so that they will live in a better world,” said Coun. Gary Lamb.
“Try to get better health. It’s knees, and things like that - I’ve got to take care of myself,” said Coun. Mark Contois.
A focus on personal health in the New Year led Contois to issue a public challenge that was accepted by councillors Raj Sandhu and Dykie: to give up sweets for three months.
“No sugar,” Contois said. “Starting tomorrow - I just had cake.”
“No sugar, no pop,” agreed Sandhu, eager to take the challenge, and lose weight in 2020. “I’m actually going to do this,” he promised.
“I invite everybody to take the challenge,” said Contois, dropping sugar from their diet for the next three months as part of a pledge for a healthier New Year.
Council members chatted with residents, answered questions about issues of local importance, and exchanged New Year's greetings.
“I really didn’t make a resolution this year,” said Mayor Keffer, but he identified a goal for 2020: to “continue listening to our residents, realizing that residents have concerns. They are coming at it with a perspective; we need to see if there’s a way to mitigate their concerns."
“Just listening to our residents.”