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Keeping healthy, taking precautions at Nancy's Nifty Nook

'Wash, wash, wash, wash those hands'
Nancy Young, owner of Nancy's Nifty Nook in Bradford. Miriam King/Bradford Today

Nancy’s Nifty Nook Health and Bulk Food store has been making changes to its operations, during the COVID-19 crisis.

For one thing, the store, located at 152 Holland St. East, has reduced its hours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays - only open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., due to staffing challenges - and closing at 3 p.m. on Saturdays, to allow for the complete sanitizing and deep-cleaning of the store.

Owner Nancy Young has also made changes to the bulk food part of her business.

“What we’ve done now is taken all of the scoops out of the bins,” she said. When customers come in, they are asked to sanitize and bag their hands, then are given a clean, single-use scoop to use.

“Only one person will touch that scoop,” said Young – noting that staff “sanitize through the day. We’re cleaning all day.”

This isn’t the first time Nancy’s Nifty Nook has taken health precautions. During the SARS outbreak in 2003, special precautions were also put in place – but nothing as drastic as the response to COVID-19.

For now, the store plans to keep open.

“We’re busy. I want to be here for our customers,” said Young – not only for those looking for health supplements, but for those who rely on the Nook for gluten-free products and baking.

Young is still recovering from a broken foot but can get around, and is planning to come in to the Nook to answer the phone, and customers’ questions. She is often asked for advice, on ways to boost health and reduce the risk of infection.

Vitamin supplements are currently “80 percent of our sales,” she noted. “I’m suggesting people take lots of Vitamin C and Vitamin D… and a daily Probiotic, for gut health.”

To fight inflammation, she recommends “turmeric or curcumin.”

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, and some lab studies have suggested that it can be used to help treat viral infections.

“We have pills, or you can take the actual spice, in a smoothie,” said Young, but to get the most benefit and a higher concentration of the active ingredient, curcumin, “take the pills!”

Nancy’s Nifty Nook also carries ‘anti-virals’ – when they are available. Right now, the demand is so high, “we’re having trouble getting it,” Young said.

She deals with a Canadian company, and has been told “we might not get it until the end of April.”

Her final advice? “Just wash, wash, wash, wash those hands.”

Young is hoping to keep the store open, as Bradford and the world struggle through the pandemic, but acknowledges hours may change again, next week. For more information, click here to visit the website, or visit the Nook’s Facebook page.


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