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Innisfil Farmers’ Market accepting vendor applications for 2022 season

Vendor applications are now being accepted
Market manager Jaime Grant, and her Summer Oven Bakery at the Innisfil Farmers' Market.

It's hard to believe that in just a few short months, the Innisfil Farmers' Market will be opening up for the season, and vendor applications are now being accepted. 

This year will mark the 12th season of the farmers' market. Market Manager Jaime Grant is expecting another successful year, after seeing an increased interest over the past few years. 

Throughout the pandemic, the market became a hot spot for locals. With not much to do, the farmers' market was a great way for residents and neighbours alike to get out, enjoy some fresh air and support local growers and makers. 

Last year, the market featured 48 rotating vendors, and had a long waitlist of eager applicants. 

"Ultimately we are looking to expand a little each year and this year is no different," said Grant. 

Grant says there is already an overwhelming response since applications opened up earlier this week for the 2022 market. 

"There are many different bakeries and prepared food businesses applying that choosing who gets the spaces available will not be easy this year for sure," she said.

Grant  does her best to offer a variety of flavours at the market, noting there will likely be more Mexican, Jamaican and Columbian eateries being offered a space this year. 

"It’s been so nice to see that most of our existing vendors have reached out already and so many new and exciting vendors are applying," she said.  

Getting a coveted spot at the market is not so simple though. After the initial application, Grant approves a select few vendors to advance to the 'primaries' category, before moving onto the 'secondaries'. 

"Farms first. Bakeries and artisans second," Grant noted.

After losing a long time market vendor to retirement, Grant is looking for more local produce farmer applicants to take their place. 

New this year to the Innisfil Farmers' Market will be an 'Artisan Alley' showcasing the many local talented artists and makers.

"Since we have so many of these (types of vendors) that apply we are adding them to the event," said Grant. 

The Innisfil Farmers' Market hopes to continue with its annual Pumpkin Carving Festival in October and offer some other special events throughout the season.  

"At this point with the pandemic still coming in waves we are waiting to see what summer 2022 will allow," said Grant.

Many of the local farmers are already busy planting in their greenhouses for early flowers and produce, including market staples Lakeview Gardens and Thorganic Beef Farms. 

The market is held every Thursday afternoon from June to October in the south parking lot of the Innisfil Recreation Complex. 

Visit for more information on how to apply to be a vendor.  


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