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Good Food Box program brings fresh fruit and vegetables to the people of Bradford

New food box program offers fresh, local vegetables and fruits to the people of Bradford for $15

We all know we should eat a little healthier, and the Bradford Good Food Box program makes that easier and cheaper.

“Good Food Boxes are volunteer-packed boxes of fresh, high-quality vegetables and fruit. With box contents changing monthly, each Good Food Box offers a convenient way for Bradford families to eat healthy, local food for only $15,” explained program coordinator and volunteer, Amanda Moffatt.

The program is open to anyone who wants to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, with payment arranged at the time of ordering and deliveries made on the third Wednesday of the month.

With the help of the BWG Public Library to arrange a location for people to pick up their boxes, the program just completed its first deliveries last week. 

“I found out about it on Facebook and thought I’d give it a whirl,” said Laurie Smith, new customer and experienced chef.

“We’ve got lots of cabbage, carrots, beets, onions and cucumber. I’m probably going to make some borscht, definitely some cabbage rolls, and the cucumbers, I’m just going to use for salads,” she continued.

With plans to grow, the program needs a few more volunteers to help with delivery days at the library.

“There is a big need for this program in our community. I have had several people approach me about offering more boxes and expanding our program. Don't worry! I'm working closely with the amazing library staff to see if we can accommodate more boxes,” said Moffatt.

The library is happy to help foster the growth of the program. 

“Amanda reached out to us and asked if we could give her space to work in and distribute food from. We said ‘Absolutely’ and the 30 boxes fit neatly in the café, and hopefully this program will grow to take over the Zima Room,” said Larissa Marks, Community Engagement Coordinator for the BWG Library.

For anyone interested in buying a Good Food Box or volunteering for the program, contact Amanda Moffatt through the program’s Facebook page here or email [email protected].