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Food bank helps deliver Christmas magic to clients

The Christmas hamper program costs around $40K, made up of generous community donations

Over the weekend, clients of the food bank were able to pick up their Christmas hampers, filled with goodies and all the fixings for a festive holiday meal.

The Christmas hamper program served over 200 families, supplying gift cards for holiday food, gift cards for toys, as well as Christmas wrapping paper, cookies and turkeys, thanks to the Bradford Lions.

The cost to run this year's program was around $40K, made possible by many generous donors in the community. 

Earlier last week, The Food Bank building committee toured their future 4500 square foot home at the Bradford Community Hub on Church Street. 

Director of Community Services for the town, Terry Foran confirmed the tendering will be the first thing done in the New Year, with renovations starting up in Q1 2022.

The Food Bank is eagerly anticipating moving into their new space and has worked on a plan for furnishings, a greenhouse and other amenities to complete the new and much larger facility. 

The Food Bank serves on average 700 patrons each month, with a record set in November with over 900. 

To make a donation to the Helping Hand Food Bank, visit their website here



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