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College strikes new partnership to bridge the skills gap

Georgian teams up with Information and Communications Technology Council, focusing on high-growth sectors such as digital economy
2018-07-27 Georgian College RB
Georgian College's Barrie campus. Raymond Bowe/BarrieToday

Gaining practical, on-the-job experience is a crucial component for success for post-secondary education students studying in the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and business.

The opportunity to work in an industry setting also helps students align technical, foundational and work-ready skills that Canadian employers need. 

Georgian College and the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) are delighted to announce a partnership agreement to help bridge the skills gap in high-growth sectors in the digital economy and work toward providing opportunities for students to be better prepared for the digital workforce as part of ICTC’s Workplace Integrated Learning (WIL) Digital Program.

Both organizations recognize the benefits of fostering collaboration between business, academia and associations to prepare students with the skills needs of business, both parties will work together to strengthen relations with industry and increase communications about the education perspective and needs.

“Georgian is Ontario’s number one co-op college and a leader in work integrated learning,” said MaryLynn West-Moynes, President and CEO, Georgian College. “Today’s workplace requires advanced technical and social skills and through our collaborative partnerships with area employers and organizations like ICTC, we are ensuring our students are prepared to contribute, innovate and thrive when they graduate.”

“ICTC is pleased to have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Georgian College,” said Elizabeth Mills, ICTC’S Director Skills Development. “To preserve Canada’s competitiveness in response to rapid technological change and increasing global competition, industry and postsecondary education institutions must collaborate on the preparation of a highly skilled workforce. Georgian College is a leader in engaging business in this way and with facilitating work integrated learning opportunities for its students. 

"Annually the college facilitates over 3,500 co-op and internship work terms. Through WIL Digital agreement, employers working with Georgian will be able to increase the number of work terms they offer and Georgian will be able to engage employers that have not been able to provide work terms.”




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