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'Canadians are neighbours helping neighbours'

Canadians have a lot to celebrate, but there's still work to do, says Prime Minister
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The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Canada Day:

“Happy birthday, Canada!

“Whether you’re watching the fireworks, firing up the grill, or getting outside with your kids, today, we celebrate the amazing place we call home.

“This year, we have a lot to celebrate. In the last four years, Canadians have created more than a million new jobs. The unemployment rate is at its lowest since the 1970s. And across the country, 825,000 Canadians have been lifted out of poverty. There’s never been more opportunity, or more progress to share in. And that’s thanks to Canadians, like you.

“We’re an example to the world because of the way we treat each other. Canadians are neighbours helping neighbours, small businesses lifting communities up, and men and women in uniform keeping us safe. We’re families opening hearts and homes to newcomers in need – and friends who might as well be family. That spirit is at the heart of our success, and the story of Canada.

“We know we still have work to do. Not everyone benefits equally from Canada’s success. We need to change that, and make sure we all move forward, together. That means supporting Canada’s workers, creating more opportunity, and growing the middle class. And it means fighting climate change, so we can leave our kids a healthy world.

“I know we’ll step up to the challenges we’re facing, just like we’ve always done – because no challenge is too great, if we face it together. From my family to yours, happy Canada Day.”



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