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CADETS' CORNER: Air cadets awarded service medal

The award recognizes continuous meritorious cadet service of at least four years

Cadets’ Corner is a weekly column submitted by the 37 Orville Hand air cadets group.

The Air Cadet League of Canada (ACL) has created an award to recognize continuous meritorious cadet service of at least four years by deserving air cadets. To qualify for the Air Cadet Service Medal, a serving cadet must have successfully completed four years of honourable service with no serious infractions and be recommended by the cadet squadron commanding officer.

On Thursday evening, five cadets were presented with this medal for their time, energy, commitment and perseverance:

  • FSgt Sellers, N.
  • FSgt McLaughlin, S.
  • FSgt McLaughlin, A.
  • WO2 Weir, N.
  • WO2 Lotter, C.

Also, on Thursday night, two permanent positions were announced for second in command (2IC) of the two flights:

  • For Arrow Flight: Sergeant Xu
  • Snowbird Flight: FSgt McLaughlin

These cadets will work with the flight commanders of each of the flights on parade.

Two cadets from 37 Squadron are aiming high and succeeding. FCpl Choudhry and Sgt Xu aced their qualifying flight exam, which puts them one step closer to getting their pilot's license. Both Sgt Xu and FCpl Choudhry completed the online ground school portion in order to be considered to write the exam. They did well on the online ground school and were successful in writing the exam on Jan. 14. Completing the online ground school and acing the exam is part of the selection process, school marks, volunteer activities, a medical, overall performance at the Squadron are also taken into consideration.  

The Air Cadet program has trained over 10,000 glider pilots after 40 years of granting glider pilot licenses. One in five private pilots in Canada and 67 per cent of commercial and airline pilots have their roots in air cadets.


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