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Bradford man among cannabis growers charged with exceeding licensed limit

Investigators found more than 400 plants were being grown over the licenced limits, which represents nearly $400,000 worth of excess cannabis
YRP crime scene police car
Photo provided by York Regional Police

Complaints from concerned citizens led investigators with the York Regional Police Organized Crime Bureau - Guns, Gangs and Drug Enforcement Unit to cannabis grow operations in the Township of King operating in excess of their licensed amounts.   

In early September 2018, an investigation began into suspected grow operations on two properties in the area of Woodchopper Lane and Dufferin Street after complaints from citizens. On Wednesday, September 26, 2018, investigators executed search warrants on the properties and found there were licenses issued by Health Canada for cannabis to be growing on the properties. On one of the properties there were four licenses that allowed for 1,140 plants to be grown. On the second property there were three licenses that allowed for 1,121 plants to be grown. Investigators found more than 400 plants were being grown over the licensed limits, which represents nearly $400,000 worth of excess cannabis.

As the investigation continued, officers arrested the people working at the grow operation. Two of those people were the same growers that had previously been arrested for the same offence on Thursday, July 27, 2018, at a grow operation on Strawberry Lane.

β€œThese investigations are raising significant concerns, as there is once again a blatant disregard for licensed grow limits,” said Chief Eric Jolliffe. β€œWe are concerned the legalization of marihuana on Oct. 17 will increase overall demand and organized crime is poised and ready to supply that demand. York Regional Police is committed to keeping our community safe and we need our citizens to continue to come forward to report suspected grow operations.”

Investigators believe that organized crime is exploiting the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulation (ACMPR). The regulation allows for designated growers to pool up to four grow licenses per address and turn a single production site into a cannabis farm. However because these growers are not appointed as licensed producers, they are avoiding Health Canada regulations for growing, security and quality control. The end result is lower cost cannabis that is sold into the black market for high profits.


  • Samkeo VANVILAY, 43, Laval, Quebec
  • Chi Chung PHAN, 36, Montreal, Quebec
  • Earl YOUNG, 51, Township of King
  • Phieovan YOUNG, 50, Township of King
  • Yue Chang HUANG, 50, City of Toronto
  • Doan PHUONG, 50, City of Toronto
  • Thanh NGUYEN, 46, Town of Bradford
  • Jing Jian KUANG, 42, City of Markham


  • Possession of Marihuana for the Purpose of Trafficking
  • Produce Marihuana


Anyone with information is asked to contact the York Regional Police Guns, Gangs and Drug Enforcement Unit at 1-866-876-5423, ext. 7817, or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-tips, leave an anonymous tip online at .



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