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Bradford Legion patio set to open this weekend

The Bradford Legion will open its patio starting this Saturday at noon
Bradford Legion, located at 115 Back St. in Bradford. SUBMITTED

A message from President of the Bradford Legion, Tammy Paglia

Good evening Comrades!

I know you all are as anxious to have the Legion reopen and resume our comradeship as I am!  We have been working hard at making improvements to the branch and can't wait for you all to see it.

Our branch is eligible to open the patio for business under the stage 2 guidelines as of Friday June 12th and RCL Orville Hand Branch 521 is committed to keep the club room & patio as safe as possible for all and particularly its vulnerable members. 

Our Executive Team has thought this through very thoroughly and look forward to offering members and guests a comfortable, safe and compliant environment for all to enjoy. There will be some changes instituted to keep everyone safe and ensure that COVID-19 guidelines are followed.

We will be having a preliminary "soft" opening for members only, this Saturday from 12-4 to see how things go and identify any problems that we may not have thought of.  This will be a "lawn party" so please bring your own lawn chair if you have one, as we don't have enough on hand to accommodate everyone until we can purchase some.

The Legion will be open to the public Thursdays & Fridays from 3-9, and Saturdays from 12-6 starting Thursday June 18th. We will look at other dates after we see how things go.

Rules During Stage 2 re-opening:

1.  Members and staff are being asked not to go to the Legion if they have any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, unusual shortness of breath, or headache.

2.  Upon entry everyone will be asked to sign in. This is required for possible future contact tracing.

3.  Please follow the floor markings when inside the club room and try to maintain the required 2 meter physical distance at all times.

4.  We request that patrons bring a mask to use while walking around to get beverages or go to the washroom, but can remove when seated at their table outside.

5.  Indoor access of the building will be used only for purchases, payments, washroom use, and entering & exiting the premises.

6.  We will temporarily suspend the rule regarding the wearing of head dress.

7.  We will use disposable cups for beverages. Any dirty glassware if used, empty bottles or pitchers should be placed on a table at a designated area

8.  A cleaning station will be set up outside or on each table for wiping down.  Patrons can even do this themselves before they leave.

9.  We will designate the far end of the grassy area for smoking. 

10.  Chairs can be added to existing tables to accommodate those in the same household. 

Our liquor license on the patio is only active until 9pm.  We have limited seating capacity so hopefully we can accommodate all who visit.

Seating at outdoor tables will be limited to 2-4 persons 2 meters apart unless you are of the same household. We will have umbrellas and gazebos set up at the tables along the grass to provide shade.

Snacks as usual will be available at the bar, but there will be no popcorn.

All high touch areas must be cleaned frequently. Tables must be cleaned in between seatings and hand sanitizer will be readily available in key areas. Please remember to wash your hands and don’t touch your face.

We will not attempt to do food service at this time, but when we do it will be as hands free and distanced as possible.

We can't wait to finally see everyone and I know we can work together to ensure this works for all of us.



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