The Bradford Helping Hand Food Bank welcomed its new board of directors on Monday evening.
The 2022/23 Board of Directors:
- Chair: Brian Febel (two-year term)
- Vice-Chair: Bill Jermyn (twp-year term)
- Treasurer: Gaetan Mercier (twp-year term)
- Secretary: Jenivieve de Vries (two-year term)
- Director: Susan Cooper - returning director (one-year term)
- Director: Grace Wittig- returning director (one-year term)
- Director: John Blake- returning director (one-year term)
- Director: Laura Simon -returning director (one-year term)
- Director: John Yayros: new director (one-year term)
- Past Chair: Cyndie Pasquarella (one-year term)
- Town Council Liaison: Coun. Jonathan Scott
“The food bank continues to grow and improve even as the need continues to grow. Thank you to this new board for all you will do to help the vulnerable in town," said Coun. Jonathan Scott, the town appointed director of the food bank.
The new Board of Directors is going to transition from an operational model to a governing model which will establish and add to existing committees in order to fulfill specific goals related to fundraising, onboarding new members, human resources, as well as looking at new policies and procedures.
"All to ensure that we operate our food bank to the highest standard of care for people facing food insecurity in Bradford West Gwillimbury," said Executive Director Carolyn Khan.
The Board was prepared to hold a vote by secret ballot to elect the new board members, but all the positions were acclaimed.
"We are thrilled to welcome former board member and secretary, Brian Febel, back in a new role of chair of the board of directors and to have Jenivieve de Vries newly join us as secretary, Gatean Mercier step in as treasurer, longtime volunteer John Yayros step into a role as a director, and former President, Cyndie Pasquarella, move into a new role of past chair for a one-year term," said Khan.
The Board bids farewell and best wishes to Curt Newman, former treasurer.