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Be sure to take the time to smell the roses this summer

August is a time to enjoy lush gardens in full bloom and there are opportunities blossoming all over town!

Gardens are in full bloom across the region, and most garden clubs are taking a break during the month of August, to stop and smell the roses.

One exception is the Alliston Garden Club, busy with plans for its Annual Luncheon and Flower Show, at St. John’s United Church, 56 Victoria St. E. in Alliston.

On Saturday, Aug. 17 from noon to 2 p.m., gardening enthusiasts are invited to a luncheon and the Garden Club’s biggest Flower Show of the year – including garden specimens, vegetables and floral designs – in the church’s Shilton Hall. Cost is only $6 per person.

Other local clubs will be resuming their activities in September – starting with the planned Gardens of Cookstown self-guided tour on Saturday, September 7, presented by the Innisfil Garden Club in partnership with the Innisfil ideaLAB,and Innisfil Seed Library.

From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., participants can tour six private gardens in Cookstown, and the gardens at the Cookstown library and cultural centre. Tickets are $15 in advance (cash only), available at Halliday House Blooms in Cookstown, Lakeview Gardens in Lefroy, Barrie Garden Centre, Lavender Floral in Stroud, Innisfil’s Spring Tree Farm, and Ferragine Greenhouses in Bradford. A limited number of tickets will be available on the day of the tour, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Cookstown library.

In addition to admission to the gardens, tickets will entitle holders to refreshments and desserts, served in the community room at the Cookstown Branch, information about the Innisfil Seed Library, and a chance to enter a Gardens of Cookstown Draw for a Thanksgiving floral centrepiece from Halliday House Blooms.

For more information, check out, Tour-Gardens of Cookstown. 

Innisfil Garden Club General meeting. Join members of the Innisfil Garden Club for a regular meeting at the Churchill Community Centre on Monday, September 9 at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker is Senior Climatologist for Environment Canada, David Phillips – talking about Climate Change. There will be no flower show at this meeting.

Innisfil Garden Club’s Fall Flower and Vegetable Show and Social Tea. The Show and Tea will take place at the Churchill Community Centre in Innisfil on Saturday, September 14. Members are asked to bring in their entries between 9:30 and 11 a.m.; judging begins at 11 a.m. sharp. Doors will be open to the public from noon to 1:30 p.m., for viewing, and a light lunch and tea for only $7. Largest Spanish Onion, Chrysanthemum Award and Award for Best Gladiolus may be won.

Bond Head-Bradford Garden Club meeting. The first meeting of the fall takes place Thursday, September 26 at the Danube Seniors Leisure Centre, 715 Simcoe Rd. in Bradford, at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker is David Hawke, speaking on Wildflower Legend and Lore. The Club also hosts its annual Fall Flower and Vegetable Show at this meeting. Refreshments will be served.

But for now, most gardeners can be found in their own gardens – enjoying the blooms, and gardens at their peak.


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