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POEM: First Responders, Timing Critical by Bradford's Walter Prokopchuk

Bradford resident pens poem about importance of firefighters, police and paramedics
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BradfordToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following poem was submitted by Walter Prokopchuk.

First Responders, Timing Critical

Solicitation — we’re aware — seems everywhere we turn,
Through Food Banks, other charities, and elsewhere — we’ve discerned;
Some voluntary, we’ll donate, towards their worthy cause,
From which we’ll enjoy self-esteem, and self-lauded applause;

Otherwise involuntary: taxation, household bills,
We compensate for those burdens, by our persistent wills;
And realizing Freedoms here — in Canada: Best land
To which — from countries of our globe — on guard together we stand.

Still, we must be most vigilant, of dangers from within
Our borders with our citizens, and few immigrating in:
Some of our own radicals, spies from autocracies,
That would try destabilize, our blessed Democracy.

And who would be our guardians, protect us from dangers
Of crimes, corruption, disasters too — might there be lone ranger?
Yes! Firefighters, paramedics, and police that brave
Our streets, along with journalists — for daily news they crave.

We must protect them too, whose jobs, Protect us all in turn:
Police from crime, firefighters in time, to save us from the burns;
And paramedics at all scenes — fender-benders, and in-between,
The journalists policing truth, for daily news we’ve not yet seen.

For those responders all arrive, firstly in their careers
To care for us during our strife, and injuries and fears,
And know — that they have families, and children just like us,
Still they arrive most happily, to Serve, devoid of fuss,

For they’re a Team, as in all sports, watched from arenas’ stands
Dedicated to win for us, as though we’re paying fans;
We spectate our journalists, and their co-ordinating plays,
For they be the team’s playmakers where, as fans we gladly pay.

So next time, ’stead your resources spent, on some unneeded stuff,
Contemplate, maybe donate, a bit — just be enough
With accolades — or token gift — toward them, since they’re worthy
Of your choice — by deed or voice: they keep us safe, and free!

Walter Prokopchuk