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POEM: Another Year Christ-Missed by Bradford's Walter Prokopchuk

Writer reflects on a season filled with hope and kindness
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BradfordToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following is a submitted poem.


So one more year has come and passed, to Canada once more,
To our democracy's expanse, from west to eastern shores,
Where immigrants from every land, beseech to come, stay here,
Escaping from their homelands where, their lives are filled with fear,
Suppressed by their nations' autocrats, who rule with brutal forces,
'Stead have their citizens improve their land, with joined collective resources,
As here where all contribute through, our strength of unity,
For I know, as my Dad came here, during past century,
To these shores, founded by them, those Christians — way back then,
Arriving with their simple rules, of GOD'S just laws when
Love was unfurled for all, and benefits learned from peace
As witnessed in ancient times, inscribed, and been released
Until still now, when annually — recalling HIS Son's birth,
By granted free rights - evermore - we practice peace's worth,
Having watched two millennia pass, yet love still does persist
Toward them newly arrived here, to thrive, 'stead just exist.
And while the malls get o'er-flowed, with shoppers in their bustle,
Seeking gifts for children: most, from store to store they hustle,
Reflective of when Christ was born, where gifts from far and near
— To the manger where He lay — were brought by them to hear,
And witness mankind's blessing that, only angels could forth bring
To Bethlehem - the Son of GOD to be proclaimed the King,
Where bleating sheep, and donkeys brayed, and oxen watched proudly
As arriving wise men could, behold the deity,
Till they would watch with wonder as, Jesus worked selflessly
To heal the sick, promote fair laws, feeding poor and hungry;
Helped by His Disciples then, numbering twelve — they'd serve,
Such that by their kind ways we'd, learn same, and so preserve.
Thus on this anniversary, we'll celebrate with Friends
And Family with our close-knit ties, with Love that never ends
To include them not yet known, new neighbours we'll accept
As brethren here, as we back then, could most quickly adapt.

Walter Prokopchuk